Kuripe Bamboo Totem COBRA Amulet with Stones powerful


Kuripe Bambu Totem COBRA Amuleto con pietre potenti

Homemade Tepi Tool Shamanic Rapé Indigenous Self Applicator

Kuripe Bambu Totem COBRA e pietre potenti

Hand-made, Car, Applicator, Shamanic
Kuripe is a Self-applicator Rapé self-use.

Kuripe Con Totem Cobra Amuleto, con pietre varie incassate fra cristalli di quarzo rosa magnetite e corallo verde
Kuripe molto potente nel suo colpo che sprigiona, energia molto grande.

The design is a “V” allows you to easily take Rapé without the participation of another person (unlike a Tepi, where is required a second person who will blow the rapè)
This Kuripe is made in 3 sizes

  • For Faces extremely small S (about 3.2-3.5 cm between the nostril and the mouth)
  • Faces normal to M (the majority), 3,7-4,2 cm) between the nostril and mouth
  • Faces large L (4,4-4,8 cm between the nostril and the mouth)
  • Tailored: made for you, when you have a specific face (choose the appropriate words from the list, you will be called to agree) will be required 24/48 hours more to produce it.


  • This Kuripe is a Power tool, come un Talismano, energeticamente potente positivo, fatto di bambù e altre lavorazioni di rifestimento e per l’energia  potente dei cristalli e degli animali associati
  • It is done and Worked on with Love, care and respect, in the manner of sacred spaces, hand
  • Polished and Flared in all its parts, to ensure performance, safety and ease of use
  • Rivestito con di resina naturale dando la forma di un Cobra Totem, Amuleto potente
  • Rifinito con occhi di Coralo verde, e scaglie di cristallo di Magnetite
  • Materials and techniques High quality
  • Tied it securely with glue and resin, non-toxic
  • It was activated and purified with the wood of the sacred palo santo

This product is made by artisans Michael and Eleanor very dear to us, using the best materials and without the addition of chemical elements, using traditional procedures and instruments for processing, are unique on each piece , this is not an industrial object, each piece is entirely made by hand.

For this reason, every item will be different and a piece unique

If you want to be in a date way or add a feather,or some peculiarity or even your name (perhaps written with the rune) just ask and we will do it especially for you, with a small markup, which may vary from 2 to 5 euros depending on the request

esempio una piuma con relativa cordicella e perline sono solo 3

Why bamboo? Because the material is very eco-friendly and sustainable, affordable, easy to handle and fits easily be turned into a pipe by rapé.
It is by far the pipe rapé most sold in the world.

Questo Kuripe è fatto in 3 misure (varierà solo l’angolazione in quanto le altre misure rimarranno pressochè invariate)

  • For Faces extremely small S (about 3.2-3.5 cm between the nostril and the mouth)
  • Faces normal to M (the majority), 3,7-4,2 cm) between the nostril and mouth
  • Faces large L (4,4-4,8 cm between the nostril and the mouth)
  • Tailored: made for you, when you have a specific face (choose the appropriate words from the list, you will be called to agree) will be required 24/48 hours more to produce it.

Backed with a diameter of narrow enough to unleash the most preessione

  • Lunghezza parte Lunga 7,2 cm
  • Lunghezza parte corta 6,3 cm
  • Diametro esterno 0,8 cm
  • Diametro interno 0,6 cm
  • Le misure si intendono per la parte triangolare escludendo la coda con il pendente

It's called Kuripe the applicator from the self-administration of Rapé.To the contrary of the tepi, which will be used with another tea that you will face.

The Kuripe is V-shaped normally at 30° to be suitable for the amggioranza, with two ends: a short one, where in the mouth, it will blow, and a longer, that will be slightly leaning to the nostrils (without, however, get the inside) so as not to attoppare the passage of air. Always starting from the left nostril, that is connected to the heart (feminine intuition) and then The right Nostril, the one connected to the mind (the masculine rationality)

The male and the Yang / Sun, which enables us to learn and gain the strength necessary to overcome the problems by the effort, it allows you to heal and learn, getting the necessary strength to overcome the shadows of this part are: Egoism, Violence, Arrogance, Pride

The Female Ying to The Moon Gives power to the emotions in their pure state, freeing deep joy, pure love, compassion, and artistic skills. His side of the shade to care for are the emotional attachment, depression, low self-esteem, feelings of guilt and apathy.

The Kuripe Can be made of bamboo or other materials sacred as the jurema or palo santo and others, or bone, or stone.

The Kuripe is a tool that can be used to gain confidence independently and in a responsible way with the Sacred Medicine Rapé, learning to know it, respect it and use it in a considerate way, and wise.

The indigenous people teach that it is always good to take Rapé in ritual form, and with an intent very clear in the mind. The Kuripe is certainly very convenient when you do not have the possibility to administer the Rapé by someone.

The self-applicator Kuripe is an object of power, and as such are strictly personal and may only be used by the owner.You consilglia (even if we have not already done so) use of palo santo wood, or of stones, making a smear, and a purrificazione, to make it with initiation a tool more personalized with your energy

Farselo fare con il tepi chiaramente verrà meglio, ma si può apprendere bene di farli anche con il kuripe:
There are many puffs, we will try to list the most important and popular

Snake: he takes a great breath, the breath start slowly and increase the force gradually until you get strong peak, blocking, however with the tongue against the applicator by emitting a hiss.
Turtle: Slight breath, slow, constant, and for a long time, very slowly. To receive the bonus, you need to tune in on the patience of the tortoise because so many people are pulling back before it is finished.The effects of Rapé with this breath, have a greater durability.Ideal for working on patience, physical Trauma, and during and after ua spiritual activity!
Colibri: breath of happiness, joy, and love, and are usually short. It is made with two puffs consecutive very short giving it a shot in the second with his tongue
Dragonfly: a nice breath of medium duration, the language and move it to float by quickly against the applicator with a sound psychedelic
Raven: defined the breath of courage, to penetrate the darkness, in the void, the great mystery of where everything is born and was the source. the first and second wind-a strong man's hand, a murmur may be less strong fina you get to the void.
Boa: Breath of the Dreams, learned from a native hunikin who told me to have it learned from “network” before bed. Partly strong, and more and more deble fina to disappear fading away as the motion of a buoy, from wonderful dreams and effects visionary!

The Kuripe is for the Rapé which is a medicine of the amazon made by a succession of medicinal plants ground very finely with the use of a mortar. Inside all the indigenous traditions, the Rapé is considered to be a Plant Teacher (the oldest) and is represented as a grandfather who possesses the wisdom of the forest.

Its use provides that ritual is never aspirated, since this gesture is considered a lack of respect to the ancestral spirit of the Sacred Plant. When the Rapé is used ritually, port purification and centering, transforms negative energy, acts as a messenger.
In the north of Brazil, the indigenous peoples Choice Kuin-Kaxinawa and Yawanawa use Rapé as a medicine associated with the use teRapéutico and spiritual.

For these populations, the Rapé is a medicine that has a spirit of great power, bringing healing and protection, banishing all kinds of evils. At these native peoples, the Rapé is used by the pajé of the tribe (men/women in medicine), so you can connect to the Spirit, to integrate with Nature, be able to identify the evils that could attack his people, or in healing rituals, with the purpose of giving spiritual protection, diagnose disease, and to use the power of the spirit of this medicine to take care of.

The Rapé be blown into both nostrils using an applicator, often made from rods of bamboo or bone. There is the self-applicator (kuripe) is the one through which you can give to others (tepi). The Rapé is blown with the pipe first in the left nostril, and then to the right, thus balancing the two hemispheres of the brain, the feminine side and intuitive, and the male rational.

In the Amazon, share the Rapé is an activity that is socially and has spiritual roots. The Rapé, in fact, is considered to be a Holy Medicine, and his administration has the value of a prayer that invokes the forces of nature and the spirits of the forest, the blessing of the plants and their power to draw centering, strength, and care.

The application of the Rapé is often accompanied by chants that have the function to call the spirits, and the strength of the medicine.


For the products, PLANTS, INCENSE, AND powders PREPARED AT the MOMENT not possible to be made RETURNS or REFUNDS

The terms used in the categories and the tags do not want to suggest to the medicinal use and recreational products, just sort them according to their use of historic, scientific and social.

The recipes are provided as a scientificthey don't want to encourage customers to repeat them, nor to consume the products.

Our content have not been evaluated by the FDA or by any figure of the medical profession: the possible applications, indications, dosing and warnings are described for educational purposes only, speculations and personal, and do not constitute medical advice.

The products are sold as incense, Soaps, Resins and botanical collection, and material scientific research.

They are not intended for human consumption.
To be able to buy our products you must be over 18 years of age and are not suitable for women who are pregnant and/or breastfeeding women.

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